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The PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student-Association) is a private, non-profit organization of parents, teachers, students, and community members who strive to better the lives of Pottsgrove High School students. We are part of an association that is organized at the local, state, and national levels. By joining your local PTSA, you are automatically a member of the state and national associations. The PTSA is the largest child advocacy volunteer organization which speaks for the interest of all children and their safety, health, welfare, and education.

When you join the Pottsgrove High School PTSA, you join a community that encourages student achievement and enriches the learning environment. We believe in building partnerships between our families and our schools. Together we can make a difference!



If you would like to volunteer at PTSA events, you must complete and submit your clearances. once completed, submit to

Volunteer information


Karyn Shoemaker - President

Jeananne Lockey - Vice President

Jennifer Vernon Marsteller - Treasurer

Melissa Spadt - Secretary


