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The Library Media Center Program supports the strategic goals of the Pottsgrove School District. All district library media centers will empower students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. The print and online media collection support the school curriculum and provide students, staff and patrons with valuable resources to meet their educational goals. The Library Media Center Program strives to develop learning agility for all of our students.

Mrs. Dani Small- Librarian


The Pottsgrove High School Library's main purposes are to entice students to read and understand that reading is imperative to learning. At the Pottsgrove High School Library, we teach students to be independent learners that acquire information on their own, while evaluating and synthesizing the information that they find. Information literacy is vital to 21st Century Learning, therefore, the library staff is prepared to encourage and teach students how to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the information they find. The major purpose of the library collection, which has another major impact on student learning, is to support the school curriculum and supplement student learning with various tools and resources. The library staff serves to provide the library patrons with information and valid resources that will assist in their education. The library media program promotes the right to intellectual freedom and the values of life-long learning.

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